Sunday, November 1, 2015

Another Halloween

Halloween was wonderful!  Nicholas had the best time.  Our weekend started with Trunk-or-Treat, on Friday afternoon.  Every year, our church sponsors a Trunk or Treat to give the children a safe place to trick-or-treat.  We have been going since the five kids above were one and we had to push them in strollers.  I can't believe that this year they were grown up enough to go by themselves.

Saturday night, we trick-or-treated in our neighborhood with one of my dearest friends and her kids.  We have also been doing this since they were babies.  For the first time in 9 years, no one had to wear a cape over their costume as they ate their pizza.  That is the true sign they have grown up.   Then, we  wandered the neighborhood chatting, while the kids ran ahead collecting candy.  

Many of our friends asked what Nicholas will do with the candy since he can't eat as much as other children.  He chose a small bagful of candy that he can have a little at a time and he is donating the rest.  Anyone who knows our little guy, knows how much he likes to collect anything.  Candy is no different.  He spent this morning sorting his candy for his teachers, grandmother, and friends.  He kept a handful and happily filled a bag for our troops.

Growing up I hated Halloween.  I grew up during the years of the big candy scare and trick-or-treating lost it's magic.  Then, when Will and I chose our wedding date, it did not occur to us that our rehearsal would be on Halloween.  After that, Halloween began to take on a new magic.  Once Nicholas was born, the magic got even more special.  As we turned out the lights last night, we thanked God for blessing us with our special little boy who helps keep the magic in our lives sparkling bright.

Happy November 1st!

PS. Happy 18th Anniversary to my amazing husband.  He puts up with my crazy ideas, helps me when I melt, and is my best friend.  I love you, sweetie!!!

Off they go on their first round.

The kids love Father Ivan.  They promised to set him free
as soon as he shortened mass. :)

Missing one of our side-kicks but it was
a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had so much fun!! Happy Halloween and Happy Anniversary!! :) Love y'all!
