Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Friday Night Lights

Weekends are for three things - sleep, family time, and football.  This weekend, I definitely lacked the sleep but we had some great family time with a little football thrown in.  Our niece, Mallory is a senior this year.  Friday after work, we headed over to catch one of her last high school band performances, at a game.  It was great!  There is nothing better than high school football on a Friday night. (Okay, maybe if our team actually wins but it was still great.)

We had a great time enjoying dinner, football, and some really special family time.  Nicholas is finally old enough to love football.  He felt like a big boy being able to talk about the game and watch from a close up spot. The band was incredible.  We couldn't have been more proud of our wonderful niece.

I am still recuperating from my weekend.  Football Friday, a chess tournament Saturday (somehow I am the coach), and blog pictures on Sunday.  Now, our house is gearing up for a little Halloween in just a few days.  Hope you have found a moment to capture something you love this week.

Keep on Doing What Your Heart Loves!


Loving my Lily Pulitzer Sarasota top and boots.  
They were perfect for the game.

1 comment:

  1. You got some great photos!! So glad I got to see so much of you this weekend!
